b2b.endurobearings.com has moved

b2b.endurobearings.com has moved

If you have ordered in recent months, you should have already received messages that b2b.endurobeaings.com was going to be shutdown at the end of 2024. 

The functionality of our main consumer store (cycling.endurobearings.com) has been expanded to include USA B2B customers. If you are a current B2B customer and have not received an invitation to access the new B2B portal, please contact us here to have us check your current dealer status and send you an invitation. If you recall receiving the invitation you should be able to click the link in that email or the LOGIN menu link at the top of this page.

The updated b2b portal features:

  • No minimum order amount
  • Negotiated shipping rates
  • Lower minimum for free shipping ($100)
  • Real-time inventory availability

If you are not a current dealer you can fill out and submit a new dealer application here.